Main Menu
1. Step.
2. TxPwr – H, M, L.
3. RxDCS - receiver Digital-Coded Squelch.
4. RxCTCS - receiver Continuous Tone-Coded Squelch.
5. TxDCS - transmitter Digital-Coded Squelch
6. TxCTCS - transmitter Continuous Tone-Coded Squelch
7. TxODir - transmitter frequency offset direction
8. TxOffs - transmitter frequency offset value
9. W/N – bandwidth, wide 25kHz, narrow 12.5kHz.
10. Scrambler – off/on
11. BusyCL - stops radio from transmitting while signal is being received.
12. Compnd – compander.
13. Demodu - RX mode, FM/AM/USB.
14. ScAdd1 - add channel to scan list 1.
15. ScAdd2 - add channel to scan list 2.
16. ChSave - save current setting to a memory channel.
17. ChDele - delete memory channel.
18. ChName - modify memory channel name.
19. SList - selects which channel is used by memory channel scanner.
20. SList1 - channels assigned to scan list 1.
21. SList2 - channels assigned to scan list 2.
22. ScnRev - scan resume carrier, timeout, stop.
23. F1Shrt - side button 1 short press function.
24. F1Long - side button 1 long press function.
25. F2Shrt - side button 2 short press function.
26. F2Long - side button 2 long press function.
27. M Long - menu button long press function
28. KeyLck - keypad lock toggle off/on.
29. TxTOut - max transmission time.
30. BatSav - battery saver.
31. Mic - microphone gain.
32. MicBar - microphone bar.
33. ChDisp - channel display style
34. POnMsg - power on message.
35. BatTxt - battery % or volts.
36. BackLt - backlight duration.
37. BLMin - backlight dim value.
38. BLMax - backlight on value.
39. BltTRX - backlight on TX or RX.
40. Beep – on/off.
41. Roger - roger beep on/off.
42. STE - squelch tail eliminator.
43. RP STE - repeater squelch tail eliminator.
44. 1 Call - Call button 9 switches to calling channel.
45. ANI ID – DTMF radio ID.
46. UPCode - DTMF code sent at start of transmission.
47. DWCode - DTMF code sent at end of transmission.
48. PTT ID – UPCode and DWCode on/off.
49. D ST - hear sent DTMF tones.
50. D Resp – action on DTMF received tones.
51. D Hold - DTMF auto reset time.
52. D Prel - DTMF pre-load time.
53. D Decd - DTMF decoder on/off.
54. D List - list of DTMF contacts.
55. D Live - displays received DTMF codes.
56. AM Fix - activates autogain AM fix function.
57. VOX - voice TX activation sensitivity level VOX Setting.
58. BatVol - battery voltage and percentage.
60. Sql – squelch.
Hidden Menu
61. F Lock - sets the TX frequency band plan.
o DEFAULT+ (137-174, 400-470) - allows TX on default bands,
plus options Tx 200, Tx 350, Tx 500
o FCC HAM (144-148, 420-450)
o CE HAM (144-146, 430-440)
o GB HAM (144-148, 430-440)
o (137-174, 400-430)
o (137-174, 400-438)
o DISABLE ALL - disables TX on all frequencies
o UNLOCK ALL - enables TX on all bands (it has additional lock,
read the wiki on how to turn that on)
62. Tx 200 - enables TX on 200MHz
63. Tx 350 - enables TX on 350MHz
64. Tx 500 - enables TX on 500MHz
65. 350 En - enables RX on 350MHz
66. ScraEn - enables scrambler function
67. BatCal - battery calibration, measure the voltage on the back of the
radio, and adjust the value in the menu accordingly
68. BatTyp - battery type, 1600mAh and 2200mAh battery has very
different discharge curve, this is used to calculate battery level
69. Reset - resets radio configuration settings
o VFO - removes only channel settings
o ALL - resets all radio settings