Best in Tech Conference 2015

Hosted by:


Thanks to AIRSLA (Audio Internet Reading Service of Los Angeles) and Bernard Falkin we have lots of great pictures and audio of the workshops and the presentations from the Best in Tech 2015.



Presentations and Q and A for the Prodigi Connect 12 magnifier/reader by Humanware and CrowdViz remote visual assistance app.

AI Squared/eSight

Presentations and Q and A for ZoomText Fusion screen magnification and full screen reader combo from AI Squared and eSight Digital Eyeware head mounted camera and magnification system.


Presentations on BrailleSense U2, Smart Beetle, and eBot.

Freedom Scientific

Presentations on Ruby XL HD video magnifier and the new JAWS 17 operating on Windows 10 and with Braille displays.

Main Presentation

Actual users of various types of assistive technology shared their opinions and reviews of devices and solutions that have been most helpful for them or other blind / low vision patients and students who they have worked with or taught this year.

Main presentation Part 1

Presentations on Uber app, AI Squared Fusion, eSight digital eyeware and Using Google products in the classroom.

Main Presentation Part 2

Presentations on KNFB Reader app for IOS and Android, HIMS products, Orcam wearable OCR system, Optelec video traveler, CrowdViz remote visual assistance app, Humanware Prodigi connect 12, Victor Reader Stream and IOS Reader.

Take a look at these great photos that were taken by Bernard Falkin throughout the day.

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